Ozone Therapy

Ozone therapy is the use of medical grade ozone to create a curative response in the body. Ozone treats conditions by limiting the effects of bacteria, viruses, fungi, yeast, and protozoa, improving the body’s intake & use of oxygen and activating the immune system.

Primary Benefits

Increases Energy Production

Provides more efficient overall metabolism by accelerating the Kreb’s Cycle in the mitochondria

Drains Lymphatic System

The Lymphatic system is like the plumbing in your house. Nothing good comes from a backed up toilet

Reduces Pain

Ozone reduces inflammation and acidity which can be the root causes of pain

Just Breathe

Ozone therapy is the use of medical grade ozone, a highly reactive form of pure oxygen, to create a curative response in the body. The body has the potential to renew and regenerate itself. When it becomes sick it is because this potential has been blocked. The reactive properties of ozone stimulate the body to remove many of these impediments thus allowing the body to do what it does best – heal itself.

Ozone therapy was introduced into the United States in the early 80's and has been increasingly used in recent decades. It has been found useful in various diseases:

It activates the immune system in infectious diseases. It improves the cellular utilization of oxygen that reduces ischemia in cardiovascular diseases, and in many of the infirmities of aging. It causes the release of growth factors that stimulate damaged joints and degenerative discs to regenerate. It can dramatically reduce or even eliminate many cases of chronic pain through its action on pain receptors. Published papers have demonstrated its healing effects on interstitial cystitis, chronic hepatitis, herpes infections, dental infections, diabetes, and macular degeneration.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Ozone Therapy Safe?

When ozone therapy is used according to AAO and international guidelines and standards it is one of the safest therapies in all of medicine.

What Type of Ozone Equipment does WBV use?

We ONLY use equipment and accessories from Longevity Resources. They are the Gold Standard in Ozone equipment manufacturing. Longevity Resources Inc. designs and produces the highest quality, most reliable Ozonation Systems and Ozone Accessories in the world. Their focus on the unique method of creating ozone with Quartz Glass Electrodes ensures the produce, ozone, is the purist ozone possible.

What can I Expect from Ozone Therapy?

Ozone Therapy works extremely well as an alternative to drugs and surgery, but it is also effective for many conditions for which there is no known effective treatment.  This includes: Chronic and acute infections, Interstitial cystitis, Dry macular degeneration, Some cardiovascular disorders, Many pain and degenerative disorders.

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