10 Day Purification Cleanse

Here's what you get!

1. 6 Colon Hydrotherapy Sessions

2. 6 Coffee Enema Sessions

3. 6 Ozone Therapy Sessions

4. Whole Food Supplements

5. Dry Skin Brushing

6. Oil Pulling

7. Detox Partner

8. Detailed Nutritional Guidance

9. Nearly 24/7 Support


The 10-day Purification Cleanse program gets rid of the stuff that makes you feel unhealthy. This means that you’ll stop eating solid food and drink liquid food instead. This isn’t an ordinary kind of juice cleanse – it’s 10 days filled with what we call the Trifecta of health. Our process has been refined over the last 15 years and intended to give you the very best go at spring boarding you into a health most people have not felt in a very long time. You will experience a detoxification that is gentle but very powerful.

Lose 5 - 10 Pounds

Losing just a small amount of weight can improve your overall health

Enjoy Increased Energy

Enhance your own natural energy levels through vitamins and proper nutrition

Enhance Mental Clarity

Increase awareness by reducing irritating thoughts, intense emotions and distractions.

30 Day Juice Therapy Program

Here's what you get!

1. 8 Colon Hydrotherapy Sessions

2. 8 Coffee Enema Seshions

3. 8 Ozone Sauna Sessions

4. 8 Rectal Ozone Insufflation Sessions

5. Dry Skin Brushing

6. Oil Pulling

7. Nutritional Supplements

8. Detox Partner

9. The Four Pillars of Health

If you want to change the world, go home and love your family

Mother Teresa

This is for everyone. It’s not an IF someone needs a digestive break it’s WHEN. With or without a serious health diagnosis, your body needs rest. The body was designed to take breaks, heal, restore itself, and start fresh in the next season. Just like bears hibernate, snakes shed their skin, people were designed to rest seasonally. There are amazing things in your life, but if you're so bogged down with toxins and tasks, you aren't able to see them. This is how you make life enjoyable again. This is how you allow yourself to feel rejuvenated again. Surrendering solid food for 30 days will press you on all sides. Yes! It will take some effort and perseverance. You will need to lean on your Cleanse Coach and allow yourself to become so much more of who and what God intended you to become. If you feel out of sorts and just can't seem to get your footing, maybe it’s time to take care of “home”.

Lose 15-25 Pounds

Surrender those unwanted pounds and feel great in your skin again

Reverse Minor Health Conditions

Reverse minor health conditions and begin to thrive again

Reduce Needing Medications

Reduce and in some cases, eliminate the need for certain medications and regain a clear mind

90 Day Cleanse

Here's what you get!

1. 24 Colon Hydrotherapy Sessions

2. 24 Coffee Enema Sessions

3. 24 Ozone Sauna Sessions

4. 24 Rectal Ozone Insufflation Sessions

5. Daily Quarts of Organic Juice

6. Dry Skin Brushing

7. Oil Pulling

8. Nutritional Supplements

9. Detox Partner

10. Nearly 24/7 Support

11. Educational Resources


Are you ready to see how your actions change the world?

The 90-day Juice Therapy program is just the thing for anyone who wants to completely transform the way they feel, think and look.

This will totally cleanse your body and in so doing, prepare you for a lifetime of health and vitality.

You will be stretched physically, emotionally and spiritually to become what you were meant to be.

Lose 45 to 100 Pounds
Reduce your risk of potentially consequential health problems by losing weight

Reverse Serious Health Conditions

Reverse serious health conditions or eradicate disease from your body, entirely

Stop Needing Medications

Decrease or eliminate certain medications and decrease your risk of disease

Wondering if this is for You

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