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Hi, I'm Elaine. Whole Body Vibe provides an environment that encourages a sense of community. I've lost several inches over the past 3 months and have gone down two clothing sizes. I am recovering faster from my Pilates workouts, I am managing my stress better and I feel an overall sense of well-being/calmness.


Working Mom

Hi, I am 36 years old and have three children. I am SO excited to share with you how much my life has changed through WBV! I am a very active person by nature but could not drop a pound on my own. I was introduced to Kimba and started a juice cleanse and lost 10 inches and 6 pounds that week! I have been a member for 3 months now. My goal weight lost has been 15 pounds and still shedding those extra pounds! Kimba's nutritional education has changed our family's life forever. We are eating a lot more raw foods, are not eating dairy anymore and love finding lots of fun, healthy foods to enjoy. The days of feeling tired and sluggish are over! My mind is clear' my heart is full of love and great expectancy for the future! I would encourage anyone who wants to feel better, sleep better and live more aware of others to get started with this great journey of transformation! I praise God for this precious gift HE has given to us all! Lots of Love.


Hi, I'm Robert. After coming to Whole Body Vibe, I've noticed an increase in energy and flexibility. I'm pleased with the results so far. Thank you Whole Body Vibe!


Hi, I'm Pat. After coming to Whole Body Vibe for just two months, I have lost 9 pounds! The staff is personable, friendly and encouraging. Clients here are forming a sense of community and service.

Pat G.

Hi, I'm Suzanne. After being a member of WBV and doing one of their cleanses, I have become SO much more aware of what I put into my body and how I treat it. I have lost 28 pounds since I joined in January and have learned so much about health and wellness from Kimba and have incorporated it into my NOW healthy lifestyle. I have changed many of my habits, like having wine every night to having wine on the weekends, cutting out coffee, dairy, artificial sweeteners and way down on meat! I have never felt better in my life. Thank you, Whole Body Vibe!


Hi, I'm Rue. At the end of my cleanse, I am simply astonished by my well being and feeling of total cleanse and 'Body Purity.' I feel I could climb Everest. I had no idea the world was so "grunged" up inside my body. This detox has given me a completely new outlook of how to manage my body - 'my spiritual temple'- in a busy world. Yesterday I went to my doctor for a wellness check and he commented on my 'lowered blood pressure,' better cholesterol and lower weight. The Purification cleanse is amazing, not just for the weight loss but for all that comes with it. Day one of the cleanse, I craved for even a carrot to chew on. After two days, I actually got into the habit of my program and surrendered. I became aware of the amount of caffeine I had in my daily routines (pots of English Tea). I recommend this as a regular staple in our lives. Thanks, Kimba!


My name is Terri and I was diagnosed with Lupus and Fibromyalgia and heart condition along with 14 prior surgeries caused from a drunk driver. I stopped at Whole Body Vibe after meeting the owner who is a Christian and walks as one. I tried the cleansing first and the treatment I received after the cleansing; I was so excited. The doctors have not helped me since I was diagnosed 2 years ago. I throw up every day and I'm in terrible pain so, I decided to let Kimba direct me in improving my health. I have been drinking her juice ever since the cleanse a month and a half ago and have been feeling so much better. I was treated with the utmost respect and care during my colonics. I would have to say this has been the best decision in improving my health, I have made. Thank you!


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